Video — Blog posts — Detmar Leertouwer’s web page


Blog post 3: Upon the launch of Richard Gwilt's Fantasia for 'Cello Alone.

Blog post 3: Upon the launch of Richard Gwilt's Fantasia for 'Cello Alone.

María Alejandra Solana (MAS) speaks with Dutch 'cellist Detmar Leertouwer (DL) upon the launch of the first ever video recording of Richard Gwilts Fantasia for 'Cello Alone.

MAS: Before we get to the first recording, actually video recording of the 'Fantasia', please tell us about the start of this wonderful project. How did you get in touch with the music?
DL: Well, it all started with a Matthäus Passion performance with 'Ensemble la Fontaine' in November (!) of 2004 in Basel in which......